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"We wish to convey our sincere thanks to your organization which has been professionally handling our biz since 2003. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone of your staff members who supported and helped us during the hard times and gave us workable solutions and ideas to reach our business objectives. Al Rana Equipment & Machinery Trading Eng. Bassam Nowfat - Managing Director"

Al Rana Equipment & Machinery Trading,
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General Information

Name of the Port Port Zayed or Mina Zayed ( Abu Dhabi Terminals)
Location Lat 24° 31.4” N: Long 054° 23’E
Charts 3713/ 3715/ 3177 (hard copy must be on board the vessel and No ECDIS accepted by Abu Dhabi port)
Tidal Information Tides are semi-diurrnal- Max range 2.0 m , min 0.1 n
Sea Anchorage Safe anchorage location  : A)24 deg 47 N  54 deg 15 E;   B) 24 deg 47 N, 54 deg 10 E; C) 24 deg 43 N 54 deg 10 E; D) 24 deg 43 N ,54 deg 14 E; E) 24 deg  45 N 54 deg 15 E.  BA CHART BA 3752, 3715, 3713
Tugs 4 Tugs ) 2 x 4500 hp + 1 x 3600 hp 1 x2400 hp)

Pilot age compulsory and available 24/ 7  Pilot boarding at Fairway buoy Lat 24 deg 39.15” E , long 54 deg 14.10 E( 11 miles from break water)

Vessel should contact Abu Dhabi Port control on Vhf channel 16/ 67  at least (3)hrs before arrival for further port control/ berthing instructions

Approach Channel Channel Length 12 NM, dredged to depth of 15 m , channel width 260 m and max draught in channel 12.5 m
Communications VHF CHANNEL 67 & 16
Fresh Water Price Aed 22.00 /per tones upto 150 tons, and over 150 tones AED 33.00/ per tons
Anchorage There is no inner anchorage position and all vessel if they need to anchor to use above mentioned sea anchorage location.
Inner Basin The Inner Basin minimum depth of 15.0m.. Vessels of up to 230m overall length are allowed entry, with longer vessels at the Harbour Master's discretion.



Berth Information - 21 Berths





Max per draft


1 - .4

15 Meters

12.5 m


 5 - 9

13.0 Meters

12.5 m


10 - 13

6.0 Meters

5.50 m


14 - 19

13.0 Meters

12.5 m

Lay-by/ ro-ro


15.0 Meters

12.5 m

bunker berth/ro-ro


15.0 meters

12.5 m


